survey methods

Drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents

This literature review provides a comprehensive report on the relationship between drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents. It covers methodological issues, presents results of prevalence surveys among drivers and provides an overview of findings from major international epidemiological surveys published since 1999. The report also gathers evidence from experimental and field studies of the relationship between drug use, driving impairment and traffic accidents.

How much are people in Scotland really drinking?

Alcohol is a significant and growing problem in Scotland in terms of mortality, morbidity and social harm. From 2001 to 2005, alcohol-related deaths rose by 15% and general hospital admissions by 7% while recent results from the Scottish Crime and Victimisation Survey indicate that more people view alcohol as a serious social problem. Yet surveys of alcohol consumption suggest that Scots may be drinking less. As they are the main source of data for national monitoring of drinking behaviour, it is important that survey estimates of alcohol consumption are as robust as possible.

Supporting young carers

This survey explored how effectively young carers were identified by councils and their partners. It also examined the assessment and delivery of services for young carers and their families. The survey used evidence from visits to council areas, focus groups with young carers and meetings with those who provide young carer support services.

Children and young people in custody 2006-2008: an analysis of the experiences of 15-18-year-olds in prison

This report presents the findings of a survey of the views and perceptions of 2,500 young people held in prison. Information is included on young people’s perceptions of their conditions and treatment, from their transfer to the establishment to their preparation for release. The results for young women, young men, and those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are discussed separately.

The second destitution tally: an indication of thee extent of destitution among asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers and refugees

The second destitution tally survey took place between 1st and 31st October 2008, and aimed to capture statistics on destitution of asylum seekers throughout the UK by surveying visitors to agencies belonging to the Asylum Support Partnership.

The report is in two parts: the Executive Summary provides a brief overview of the research for policy makers, setting out the aim of the exercise, the key findings, conclusions and recommendations; and the Research Results section gives additional evidence to reinforce the key findings.

More or Less

More or Less is a series of programmes on BBC Radio 4 and is part of the website. is the online learning portal from the Open University and the BBC. More or Less examines the role numbers, statistics and figures play in our everyday lives and considers where these figures come from, what they mean - and how they can shape our lives.