research methods

Parent-training/education programmes in the management of children with conduct disorders (NICE technology appraisal guidance 102)

Guidance intended to assist health and social care professionals who are involved in dealing with parents of children with conduct disorders. It advises on all aspects of organising and running education programmes for parents.

Mental health and employment

This report presents findings of a qualitative research project commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to investigate the relationship between mental health and employment. The research was conducted during 2007 by the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York and the Institute for Employment Studies.

The effect of alcohol advertising, marketing and portrayal on drinking behaviour in young people : systematic review of prospective cohort studies

Study evaluating the relationship between exposure to alcohol advertising, marketing and portrayal and subsequent drinking behaviour in young people through systematic review of cohort (longitudinal) studies.

Practice guide 5: Implementing the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004

The purpose of this guide is to offer quick and easy access to information that will aid the implementation of the 2004 Act alongside previous related legislation. The guide explores a number of areas and you will see these listed on the left hand menu. For each topic area the guide includes: key research and policy findings; ideas from practice; links to further information. It also includes related areas of practice not specific to the Act that are useful to its implementation.

An investigation into GPs and social prescribing : a pilot study : final report

Social prescribing is a method of affecting the wider determinants of health such as economic factors by connecting people with health problems to non-medical sources of help and support in the community, normally by referral. This pilot study aimed to inform the development of a full proposal for exploring social prescribing practice in primary care.

Leadership in the public sector in Scotland (ESRC seminar series)

Report providing a critical overview of developments in leadership theory in recent years and of its application through Scottish public sector leadership development training. It also aims to provide a stocktake of public sector leadership development provision with a view to helping inform conversations on the limitations of existing provision, how it might be improved and the challenges to leadership development posed by a difficult economic climate.