
West Lothian Child Protection Committee Annual Report 2005 – 2006

The Child Protection Committee (CPC) is the lynchpin in implementing strategic plans at local level. In this report the CPC has, in accordance with the National Guidance on Child Protection Committees – Protecting Children and Young People 2005 (Appendix 2), given an account of its work in the previous year, demonstrated the quality of inter-agency co-operation in undertaking the work of the Committee, and presented a business plan for the coming year.

Endings : are we there yet?

This learning object is one of a set of exercises and activities taken from the book 'Modern Social Work Practice' written by Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow. This activity helps the student to consider the importance of endings in professional practice and how to make best use of them. Primarily, this is achieved by anticipating endings from the beginning of a piece of work, and by seeing endings as transitions; every exit is a new entrance.

Learning from Targeted Mental Health in Schools phase 1 pathfinders : summary report

The Office for Public Management was commissioned by the Department for Children, Schools and Families to design and deliver a series of Action Learning Sets (ALS) to support 25 Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS) phase 1 pathfinders. This report presents the key points of learning from the quarterly ALS summary reports and 11 interviews with people involved in delivering TaMHS.

Evaluation of the Young Children's Voices Network pilot project (2006-2008)

Report of an evaluation of the Young Children’s Voices Network (YCVN), a project, begun in 2006, which focuses on participation in the early years. The purpose of the evaluation was to analyse the nature of YCVNs and discover what has helped and hampered local authorities in developing both their network and a culture of listening.

Implementation of the Community Sex Offender Groupwork Programme in Scotland: process evaluation (Towards effective practice, paper 6)

Report charting the progress and findings of the evaluation of the Community Sex Offender Groupwork Programme as it is being rolled out in Scotland. Data from all six pilot areas are included as well as three areas which have more recently started the programme.