
Re-Ach Project evaluation support

Report of an evaluation of the Re-Ach Project, a two-year pilot programme whose purpose was, through challenging workshops and performance coaching, to "raise aspiration, engagement and achievement among young people who are least likely to succeed and achieve and most likely to indulge in behaviour which is not productive for them".

Safety in numbers : summary of findings and recommendations from a multi-site evaluation of Independent Domestic Violence Advisors

Paper summarising the findings of a study which followed 2,500 women over two years across seven sites in England and Wales who were suffering from severe physical, emotional and sexual abuse as well as stalking and harassment. It also makes four recommendations for giving choices back to those suffering abuse and using existing resources to best effect.

Finding strength from within: report on three local projects looking at mental health and recovery with people from some of the black and minority ethnic communities in Edinburgh

This exploratory community development project gathered the experiences around recovery of people using mental health services who come from some of the black and minority ethnic (BME) communities in Edinburgh. The project involved around 50 people from BME communities. The work with each of the three smaller projects was designed around the circumstances of that service and the ways in which those participants or service users wished to take part. This took place between December 2007 and May 2008.

The Good Childhood Inquiry

The Good Childhood Inquiry was commissioned by the Children's Society and launched in 2006 "as the UK's first independent national inquiry into childhood. Its aims were to renew society's understanding of modern childhood and to inform, improve and inspire all our relationships with children." On 5th February 2009, the Children's Society launched the findings of the inquiry in the report entitled 'A Good Childhood: Searching for values in a competitive age'.

Race equality training in mental health services in England : does one size fit all?

Report presenting an historical analysis of the development of race related training and the findings of a survey of race equality training in mental health services in England. It concludes there is a need for a more strategic approach to this training which includes national standards which govern both the nature of training and the selection of training providers.

Addressing the needs of children of substance using parents: an evaluation of Families First's intensive intervention - final report

Report of a study carried out to identify the processes involved in service delivery, including intervention approach, the implementation and integrity of Families First, a multi-component support service for adults and families with substance use issues, interagency working together with the outcomes of intervention for participating families.