research and evaluation

National Drug Evidence Centre (NDEC)

The National Drug Evidence Centre (NDEC, formerly Drug Misuse Research Unit) has long established expertise in drug misuse prevalence work, evaluative and outcomes research, the use of epidemiological indicators, and information in evidence based policy making. Senior staff are involved in national policy initiatives and in provision of advice regarding health care and criminal justice responses. NDEC is one of the leading units in the country engaged in research in the area of drug misuse.

Basic income, social justice and freedom

On 11 March 2009, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation hosted a symposium on Basic income, social justice and freedom, jointly organised with the University of York's School of Politics, Economics and Philosophy. Based on themes from the work of eminent political philosopher Philippe Van Parijs, it discussed his argument for the introduction of a basic income paid unconditionally, without work requirements or means tests.

Families information services: evaluation of services provided

This report begins with a summary giving the background; key findings; notes on childcare information; advice and assistance - the brokerage service; information about other services, facilities and publications; information on services for disabled children, children with special educational needs and for disabled parents; access to the information service; service delivery; changes made as a result of the extended information duty requirements; and barriers, ending with recommendations and notes on limitations of the research. The main text then pursues these themes in detail.

Employment and mental health: assessing the economic impact and the case for intervention

The importance of employment and its links with mental health are summarised and the European policy context described. The report then asks what the consequences of poor mental health for economic activity are, if a trend in productivity losses over time can be seen and what we know about employment rates for people with mental health problems. Barriers to employment, the economic case for helping such people remain in the workforce, assessing the cost effectiveness of interventions to this end, legislative and policy actions, and the way forward are discussed.

Drinking in the UK: An exploration of trends

A key part of the Government’s alcohol harm reduction strategy is to monitor changes in drinking habits over time and to identify what factors are potentially contributing to the rising levels of consumption. Reviews research and highlights trends in alcohol consumption over the last 20 to 30 years. A key part of the Government’s alcohol harm reduction strategy is to monitor changes in drinking habits over time and to identify what factors are potentially contributing to the rising levels of consumption.

'Planned' teenage pregnancy: Views and experiences of young people from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds

This in-depth study explores the motivations for ‘planned’ teenage pregnancy in England. The findings have important implications for the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy and the increasing political agenda on young people and health. The report is based on 51 in-depth interviews, undertaken among teenagers in six relatively disadvantaged locations who reported their pregnancy as 'planned' (41 women and 10 men).

Shifting care from hospital to the community in Europe: Economic challenges and opportunities

An introduction gives the history of how in most European countries for many decades large institutions dominated provision for people with severe and chronic disabilities, including those with mental health problems, and how this changed. Trends in the balance of care, changes in provision, and policies to develop community care and the allocation of resources are described, challenges listed and opportunities outlined, ending with a conclusion that research on progress in this area in Europe has been limited.

Missing Out. A report on children at risk of missing out on educational opportunities

This report aims to highlight characteristics of good practice, raise issues and suggest further ways of improving the overall performance of pupils. As well as revealing some good practice, the findings highlight a number of issues including a lack of consistency and clarity across Scotland in identifying, measuring, and tackling underachievement for the lowest-attaining pupils.