disabled people

Improving the wellbeing of disabled children and young people through improving access to positive and inclusive activities

This review looks at the evidence base for improving the wellbeing of disabled children and young people through improving access to positive and inclusive activities. It assess where gaps in the evidence base occur and suggests where future research and development may need to take place.

Care provision within families and its socio-economic impact on care providers across the European Union

This is summary of a study that aimed to compile evidence on: the prevalence of long-term informal care-giving within a family setting to dependent family members or relatives in various EU countries, focusing on the most ‘heavily burdened’ carers; the socio-economic impact of care-giving on the households of family carers; and measures aimed at alleviating burdens on family carers by supporting them in the provision of care and/or compensating for the adverse socio-economic consequences of care-giving.

Aiming high for disabled children misses funding targets

The government launched its Aiming High for Disabled Children's programme for May 2007 to bring about a transformation of services across health and social care. Funding was provided to local authorities and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). However, local authorities are reporting difficulties in getting PCTs to commit to developing services. In addition, funding for the programme has not been ring fenced and it is often not possible to identify what has been spent on disabled children.

Diversity and difference in communication - OpenLearn

This resource is one of the units on the Open University's OpenLearn website, which provides free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world. This unit explores the ways in which difference and diversity impact on the nature of communication in health and social care services. Interpersonal communication in health and social care services is by its nature diverse.

L'Arche website

L'Arche is an international federation of communities for people with learning disabilities and assistants. There are eight communities in England, Scotland and Wales. The website provides information about L'Arche communities and their underlying philosophy, information about becoming an assistant, text of L'Arche charter, information on the Overseas Development Fund for sister communities in developing countries, articles written by those involved in the L'Arche Communities, suggestions for further reading, contact details and links to other L'Arche sites.

Ensuring all disabled children and young people and their families receive services which are sufficiently differentiated to meet their diverse needs

This review sets out to investigate the evidence base for the provision of differentiated services to meet the diverse needs of disabled children and young people and their families. It focuses on children from BME (black and minority ethnic) communities, children with complex needs, children living away from home, and children from refugee and asylum-seeking families as instances of those who face the most challenges to adequate service delivery.