
A national study of ageing and HIV (50 plus)

This report contains the views and concerns of people with HIV aged 50 and over, living into an old age that many of them never expected to see. The social care needs of this rapidly growing group have not previously been addressed in the UK. The 50 Plus research project asked 410 of them – 1 in 25 of all those currently being seen for care – for their views on their current and future lives. The report also analysed the resulting data to compare three of the largest subgroups: gay/bisexual men, black African women and white heterosexuals.

research in practice for adults: key Issues

Resource designed to provide ready access to relevant policy, available evidence and emerging practice on topics of current importance. It addresses topics where the evidence base is currently less well-developed, but where practitioners and managers still need to access emerging evidence and information to help inform their practice. Themes include outcome-based commissioning and contracting, support brokerage, joint strategic needs assessment, and social firms.

Safeguarding vulnerable adults policy

The role of the Public Guardian is to supervise, investigate concerns and regulate Court appointed Deputies, and investigate complaints about the actions of registered attorneys and people acting under an order of the Court protection. This policy provides a framework for delivering the Office of the Public Guardian's role in safeguarding vulnerable adults.

Making a break : developing methods for measuring the impact of respite services

Report of a study which assessed the role of respite care for various groups including children with complex needs, adults with learning disabilities, multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia sufferers and frail elderly people. It also identified the most appropriate outcome measures for use with these groups in the evaluation of respite care.

Transition to adulthood: inquiry into transition to adulthood for young people with autism

This inquiry sought evidence from a range of stakeholders across England, including parents, people with autism and professionals into transition to adulthood for young people with autism. The report outlines the key findings of the Inquiry and makes recommendations based on the experiences and evidence from all those who took part.