
Child witness support

Consultation document that contains individual sections on a system of integrated support for child witnesses, guidance on investigative interviewing, the provision of pre-court therapy, the conduct of court familiarisation visits, the questioning of children in court, and a format for communicating information about child witnesses throughout the legal process.

Provision of therapy for child witnesses prior to a criminal trial: practice guidance

The Crown Prosecution Service, the Department of Health and the Home Office have worked together to produce this guidance. The guidance is issued as part of the Action For Justice programme by which the Home Office is coordinating the implementation of the various measures for witnesses recommended in Speaking Up For Justice.

Services for young people with problematic drug misuse: a guide to principles and practice

Report that aims to provide information and evidence to support the development of services for young people experiencing problems due to their own problematic drugs and/or substance misuse.

The guide focuses on the needs of drug action teams (DATs) in their role as commissioners of services as well as the direct delivery of services. The report includes definitions of the target client group and their needs; discusses key principles underpinning effective services and explores the key issues to address in delivering services.


The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. Depression and dementia share many of the same symptoms. This can make it difficult to identify when people with dementia become depressed. This information sheet looks at depression and how it can affect people with dementia. It also suggests ways to help.

Provision of therapy for vulnerableor intimidated adult witnesses prior to a criminal trial : practice guidance

The Department of Health, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Home Office have worked together to produce this practice guidance. The guidance is issued as part of the Home Office led Action for Justice programme, which said that good practice guidance on the provision of therapy prior to trial for vulnerable or intimidated adult witnesses would be issued.