
Dementia : drugs used to relieve behavioural symptoms

The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. People with dementia may at some point in their illness develop symptoms such as depression, restlessness, aggressive behaviour and psychosis (delusions and hallucinations).

Making us count : identifying and improving mental health support for young people with learning disabilities : report summary

This resource is a brief summary of the research programme and report 'Making us count' by the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities. The research centred on four projects, covering a wide range of young people. The starting point for all the projects was the young people themselves – their thoughts, their feelings and their views.

"Delivering for mental health"

Document outlining the Scottish Executive's strategy and commitments for improving mental health services in Scotland.

The approach adopted is a functional one which focuses on the key elements of services which need to be in place at each stage of care so that clinicians, service users and carers can be clear about what needs to be delivered.

Making sense of homeopathy

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. This booklet is an introduction to homeopathic medicine, and describes how homeopathy can help people who have mental health needs. It offers practical advice about getting treatment, but is not intended as a guide to individual remedies.

Drugs in the family : the impact on parents and siblings : full report

This report is about the ways in which problem drug use affects the family from the point of view of parents and siblings. It is about the difficulties that families confront in trying to respond to, and cope with, the changes that drug problems bring about for sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. Also, when drugs come into the family there is the danger that other siblings might become involved in problem drug use, further adding to family problems.