performance measurement

Looked-after children: third report of session 2008-09: volume I: report, together with formal minutes

Presents the findings of the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee which aimed to investigate the performance of the care system in England, consider whether the Governments proposals for reform were soundly based, and to find out whether the Care Matters programme would be effective in helping looked after children.

Signs for improvement: commissioning interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm

This guidance is designed to direct commissioners to resources and guidance which will assist them in commissioning interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm in their local community. It offers ways to improve commissioning, looking at each World Class Commissioning competency and all stages in the commissioning cycle. Contents include: why a focus on alcohol-related harm?; commissioning to improve the outcome for people at risk of alcohol related harm; World Class Commissioning Competencies and the commissioning cycle.

Practical guide to preparing for mental health payment by results

Mental health payment by results is a funding methodology which aims to predict mental health need and cost more accurately. The methodology involves identifying service users with similar characteristics (they are to be grouped into 21 "clusters") and will be allocated to groups using an assessment tool.

This practical guide contains 10 actions to help local areas prepare for mental health payment by results policy. The guide also contains a glossary of common terminology and a check-list to help commissioners of services.

Measure for measure : using outcome measures to raise standards in the NHS

Paper focusing on information about the quality of health services and looking at ways in which it can lead to better quality healthcare for all. It argues that the information needed to improve services is not always available and that a deeper level of information along with measures such as patient-based outcome measures are required to change health care for the better.

West Lothian Child Protection Committee Annual Report 2005 – 2006

The Child Protection Committee (CPC) is the lynchpin in implementing strategic plans at local level. In this report the CPC has, in accordance with the National Guidance on Child Protection Committees – Protecting Children and Young People 2005 (Appendix 2), given an account of its work in the previous year, demonstrated the quality of inter-agency co-operation in undertaking the work of the Committee, and presented a business plan for the coming year.

Social Services Inspectorate audit of services to children in need in response to the practice recommendations of the Victoria Climbie inquiry

This report contains a framework of recommendations set out by the Social Services Inspectorate in response to the outcomes of the Public Inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie. This framework is to be used by councils with social services responsibilities to audit their position in relation to the practice recommendations of the Victoria Climbié Inquiry report. It provides performance criteria against each of the recommendations linked to statutory requirements and guidance.