
Good Practice: Creative ways to promote personalisation

Describes some creative ways of promoting personalisation to service users and practitioners. The four methods highlighted are: A board game called 'Whose shoes? - putting people first'; a website (shop4support) where people who use social care support services can choose them online; Social Care TV - to be launched by SCIE in October - which will include video about personalisation, and attending regional personalisation roadshows.

hsns09 : approaches to network collection for internet health services - Bernie Hogan, Kristen Berg

Podcast of a talk by Bernie Hogan, Oxford Internet Institute, and Kristen Berg, Netlab, University of Toronto, given at the Connected Practice Symposium, "Human services in the network society : changes, challenges & opportunities", Institute for Advanced Studies, Glasgow, 14/09/2009.

London guidelines for assessing children and families affected by adults viewing child sexual abuse images on the internet

Produced on behalf of the London Safeguarding Children Board and in conjunction with the Essex Safeguarding Children Board, the aim of this document is to provide practice guidance to support practitioners working with children and families affected by adults viewing child sexual abuse images – particularly via the Internet; to identify key principles to help inform assessments; to consider some of the practice implications; and to provide an overview of current messages from research and underpinning knowledge.