independent living

Public sector austerity, personalisation and the implications for the voluntary sector workforce

Report that examines the principles of personalisation and considers some of the likely consequences and emergent issues in terms of changes in the nature of work, particularly focusing on likely workforce development challenges in terms of the provision of appropriate skills to support the personalisation agenda.

Direct payments

The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia.

How do I get help?

Factsheet providing information and advice on sources of help available to all those caring for family members or friends in Scotland. Topics covered include carers' assessments, emotional support, financial matters and making a complaint.

Still A Bairn? Throughcare & Aftercare Services In Scotland : Final Report To The Scottish Executive

The University of York was commissioned by the Scottish Executive to undertake a two-year study of the way local authorities are discharging their duties and powers under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 to promote throughcare and aftercare for looked after young people. This final report is based on the findings of data from the national postal survey of thirty-one Scottish local authorities and other agencies involved in the provision of throughcare and aftercare.

Health and wellbeing: reporting on progress towards equality of opportunity between disabled persons and other persons made by public authorities in Scotland - the Scottish Ministers' Duties

Report commissioned by Scottish ministers to enable reporting on progress being made towards equality of opportunity between disabled people and other people across the Health and Wellbeing ministerial portfolio.