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North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee Annual Report: April 2005 - March 2006 and Business Plan: April 2006 - March 2007

This Annual Report and Business Plan dovetails with the overarching outcomes as detailed in North Ayrshire’s Integrated Children’s Services Plan (2005-2008) and reviews the performance of the Committee in accordance with the Scottish Executive's performance indicators.

Angus Child Protection Committee: survey results

This survey was carried out in May 2005. It asked 3 questions:

1. How should we provide information about who can help with matters of child well being or protection?
2. Who would you talk to about a child whose well being or protection you were concerned about?
3. If written information was provided how would you like to get it? The document provides results, and compares paper and e-survey responses.

The Advocacy Conference 2003 : practice issues in advocacy

This conference report discusses the outcomes of workshops carried out by the Advocacy Safeguards Agency (ASA) and the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) in association with the Scottish Executive. In preparation for revising guidance on advocacy provision, these workshops focused on good practice in advocacy which highlighted some of the issues advocates, advocacy organisations and others would like guidance on.

Health Action Planning and Health Facilitation for people with learning disabilities: good practice guidance

The purpose of this guidance is to describe and clarify good practice in health facilitation and health action planning and support localities to make progress on this and on reducing health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities. It builds on previous DH guidance and reflects the learning that has taken place since 2002 along with key recommendations of relevant recent reports and research. Short examples of good practice are included throughout.