National guidance for child protection in Scotland: guidance for health professionals in Scotland

Guidance that is supplementary to, and should be read in conjunction with the Scottish Government 'National guidance for child protection in Scotland 2010'. The guidance outlines key definitions and concepts, specifically a definition of what constitutes child abuse and neglect and harm/significant harm.

Reducing antenatal health inequalities: outcome focused evidence into action guidance

Guidance that details the specific actions needed to strengthen antenatal healthcare at NHS Board and national level. It requires action across each NHS Board’s corporate functions, including specialist public health, planning and performance management.

It is intended to support improvements in antenatal care for women, including care provided by Primary Care Services, Substance Misuse, Mental Health and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services.

Health and wellbeing boards: system leaders or talking shops?

Report that forms part of a wider programme of work being carried out by The King’s Fund on health and wellbeing boards. The programme has supported several local authorities and their health partners to develop their shadow boards. As part of the programme, in late 2011, a survey of 50 local authority areas was conducted, covering all regions of England to find out how they and their health partners are implementing the new boards. Telephone interviews were conducted in September and October 2011 with lead officers identified by local authorities themselves.

Long-term conditions and mental health: the cost of co-morbidities

People with long-term physical health conditions – the most frequent users of health care services – commonly experience mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, or dementia in the case of older people. As a result of these co-morbid problems, the prognosis for their long-term condition and the quality of life they experience can both deteriorate markedly. In addition, the costs of providing care to this group of people are increased as a result of less effective self-care and other complicating factors related to poor mental health.