
Weighing in : dealing with the challenge of obesity (Policy Exchange research notes)

Paper describing and discussing ten examples of interventions for obesity which involve both healthy eating and physical activity. The examples featured all strive to be low cost interventions and fall in to the broad categories of community schemes, active travel initiatives, health in the workplace and lifestyle incentives.

Eating well in care homes for older people

This report details what the Care Commission found when it looked in detail at five areas of food and nutrition in a sample of 303 care homes for older people in Scotland during inspections in 2006 to 2007, investigated 91 complaints about eating, drinking and nutrition in 2006 to 2007, looked at the improvement notices that were served on care homes in 2008 to 2009, and worked with staff called nutrition champions to make improvements in eating, drinking and nutritional care in the care homes where they were working.