
Safe from bullying in children's homes

Bullying does not only happen in normal school hours, it can happen anywhere. Children who are badly bullied in school are more likely than others to be bullied outside of it too.

This guidance is aimed at managers, social workers and other staff in Children's Homes. It outlines the possible bullying that might occur in Children's Homes and describes steps to prevent it and respond to it effectively.

Young refugees : providing emotional support to young separated refugees in the UK

This guide offers advice on how to provide emotional support to young separated refugees and asylum-seeking young people in the UK (often described as unaccompanied children). These are children under 18 years of age who are outside their country of origin and separated from both parents or their legal/customary primary care giver. In this guide the term 'young separated refugee' is used to describe these children and young people.

A national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland's children and young people

Consultation paper setting out and seeking views on a draft national approach to anti-bullying in Scotland. In particular, it proposes an approach to anti-bullying in Scotland for children and young people, broadly outlines contributions to this approach by sectors and stakeholders nationally and identifies the role to be played by the Scottish Anti-Bullying Steering Group.