
North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee Communication Strategy

This Communication Strategy sets out the key strategic objectives of the North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee and how they can be implemented. This will ensure effective communication in all aspects of the work and interests of the Child Protection Committee. It is envisaged that this communication Strategy will operate for 3 –5 years, subject to ongoing review.

Safeguarding vulnerable adults policy

The role of the Public Guardian is to supervise, investigate concerns and regulate Court appointed Deputies, and investigate complaints about the actions of registered attorneys and people acting under an order of the Court protection. This policy provides a framework for delivering the Office of the Public Guardian's role in safeguarding vulnerable adults.

Bullying: third report of session 2006–07

There has been an increasing awareness over the past few decades of bullying and the effect it has on the educational and social achievements of children and young people.

Evidence on the effects of bullying were taken which suggested that it causes a number of problems ranging from general unhappiness, poor concentration, low-self esteem, psychosomatic symptoms and anxiety to depression, self-harm or suicide.

This report was appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration and policy.

Targeted youth support pathfinders evaluation: final report

This report presents the findings from the evaluation of the Targeted Youth Support Pathfinders (TYSPs). The policy was developed by the Department for Children, Schools and Families to ensure that young people in need of support receive a genuinely personalised package of support, at the earliest possible opportunity. The evaluation was designed to capture the impact of the service reforms at the level of infrastructure, professional working practices, individual young people and overall outcomes.

Poverty, inequality and policy since 1997

This research shows what effect policies introduced since 1997 have had on reducing poverty and inequality. It offers a considered assessment of impacts over a decade. The study covers a range of subjects, including public attitudes to poverty and inequality, children and early years, education, health, employment, pensions, and migrants. It measures the extent of progress and also considers future direction and pressures, particularly in the light of recession and an ageing society.