local authorities

Parental confidence in the special educational needs assessment, statementing and tribunal system : qualitative study (Research report DCSF-RR117)

Report presenting the findings of a study of parental experiences of the special educational needs (SEN) assessment, statementing and Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST) system. The goal was to gain a greater insight into perceived problems with SEN provision and to identify those factors which make the system work well for some parents and not others.

Looked-after children: third report of session 2008-09: volume I: report, together with formal minutes

Presents the findings of the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee which aimed to investigate the performance of the care system in England, consider whether the Governments proposals for reform were soundly based, and to find out whether the Care Matters programme would be effective in helping looked after children.

Inspection of safeguarding and looked after children services: Staffordshire County Council

This is the report of an inspection carried out under the Children act 2004. The purpose of the inspection was to evaluate the contribution made by local services towards ensuring children and young people are properly safeguarded and to determine the quality of service provision for looked after children and care leavers.

The overall effectiveness of safeguarding services in Staffordshire was grade 3 (adequate). The effectiveness of services for looked after children and young people is adequate overall but with some good and outstanding features.

Re:action : the Consultation Toolkit

This is a practical guide about how to consult with children and young people on policy related issues. It is written for community workers, youth workers, teachers, local authority workers, facilitators and other organisations and individuals working with children and young people. It is also for children and young people themselves who may be involved or interested in organising a consultation exercise.[Feb 2008 - no longer available from Save the Children]

Local authorities : a change in the cultural climate?

Paper arguing that some local authorities in England need to reconsider their attitudes to culture. It contends that culture is a public good in its own right as it contributes to important social goals such as encouraging a creative younger generation and keeping older people mentally and physically fit. However, research has shown that some local authorities fail to recognise this and treat culture as a marginal area.