government and social policy

Operation of the homeless persons legislation in Scotland: quarters ending 30 June and 30 September 2008 (including households in temporary accommodation at 31 December 2008)

This statistics release presents information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes up to the end of September 2008 and on households in temporary accommodation up to end December 2008.

The report updates annual analyses for 2007-08 and earlier years incorporating updated information received from councils since the last publication in September 2008. The purpose of this web only publication is to give an overview of key trends and features of homelessness applications in Scotland.

Manifesto for childhood

The manifesto sets out a plan of action based on the findings of The Good Childhood Inquiry®, 'A Good Childhood: Searching for Values in a Competitive Age', which stimulated a major national debate about how the nation treats its young people. The manifesto identifies three key areas in which political leaders must act to improve childhood now and for future generations, and calls for every political party to write these pledges into their manifestos.

Practical guide to preparing for mental health payment by results

Mental health payment by results is a funding methodology which aims to predict mental health need and cost more accurately. The methodology involves identifying service users with similar characteristics (they are to be grouped into 21 "clusters") and will be allocated to groups using an assessment tool.

This practical guide contains 10 actions to help local areas prepare for mental health payment by results policy. The guide also contains a glossary of common terminology and a check-list to help commissioners of services.

Services for young people who sexually abuse: a report on mapping and exploring services for young people who have sexually abused others

This publication reports on a study that investigated recent developments in the UK and Republic of Ireland in services for young people who have demonstrated sexually abusive behaviour. The authors carried out: a literature review; a survey of key experts; a study of structural and management issues in this area; a mapping survey; analysis of policy documents; a qualitative study of service user perspectives. Findings from each activity are discussed separately before being drawn together in the final chapter.

The role of the registered social worker in statutory interventions: guidance for local authorities

Consultation on the role of the registered social worker (sometimes referred to as reserved functions). The overarching purpose of the Scottish Government is to focus government and public services on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland.

The purpose of this guidance for local authorities is to set out those social work functions which only registered social workers should be accountable for.

Office for National Statistics

National Statistics is a quality marker applied to certain of the United Kingdom's official statistics. Statistics labelled as 'National Statistics' must meet certain criteria. They should, for example, be fit for purpose, methodologically sound, politically independent and transparently produced. All National Statistics are produced in accordance with the Framework for National Statistics and comply with the principles embodied in the National Statistics Code of Practice. They are reviewed every five years for quality.