government and social policy

Review of section 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

The research examined the use of Section 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 and other routes through which local authorities assist statutorily homeless households in securing permanent accommodation from a Registered Social landlord (RSL).

Section 5 gives local authorities the power to require RSLs operating in their area to provide accommodation for homeless households.

The research has been undertaken by Craigforth for the Scottish Government and is to be used by the Government to inform their review of policy and guidance in this area.

Recent migration into Scotland: the evidence base

This report reviews evidence on the impact of migration into Scotland since 2004, when the accession of the A8 countries - Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia - to the European Union resulted in increased migration into the UK. The review includes available evidence in relation to other groups, including asylum seekers and refugees. The review uses evidence from a range of published and unpublished sources, including datasets, surveys and qualitative studies, across the two main areas of economic and employment impacts and social impacts.

Protection of vulnerable adults: monitoring report 2007-2008

Report that sets out significant data collated by Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) in relation to allegations of abuse against adults. It examines the key findings for the year ended 31 March 2008, providing an analysis of the information and a description of trends, concerns and achievements. It then considers what the data says about the state of adult protection services in Wales.

GIRFEC: implementation plan

Scottish Ministers issued for consultation 23 proposals for the reform of children’s services and invited all those with an interest to let us know what they thought.

This report represents the plan implemented by the Scottish Government in order to reduce the bureaucracy that gets in the way of ensuring children are protected. Children must have their needs met and, where necessary, action must be taken to protect others from children’s behaviour.

Evaluation of Reading Rich

Scottish Government evaluation of the Reading Rich programme, a partnership between National Children's Homes Scotland and the Scottish Book Trust which aimed to introduce a 'reading rich' environment for children and young people who are looked after in residential and foster care settings in Scotland so they could benefit from reading, books and literature. It ran from 2004 to 2007.