young people

Looked-after children and young people

This guidance aims to improve quality of life (that is, the physical health, and social, educational and emotional wellbeing) of looked-after children and young people. The focus is on ensuring that organisations, professionals and carers work together to deliver high quality care, stable placements and nurturing relationships for looked-after children and young people.

Grampian police return home welfare interview pilot for young runaways: pilot evaluation

The overall aim of this evaluation was to explore the most effective means of delivering Return Home Welfare Interviews (RHWIs) to ensure the best outcomes for the child/young person. It set out to examine the operation of the pilot as implemented in Aberdeen City and Elgin, to reflect the range of models of delivery used and the overall impact of the pilot. One area in Aberdeenshire (Fraserburgh) formed the control area to illustrate original practice in Grampian and current practice outwith the pilot areas.

Discussing violence: let's hear it for the girls

This article presents some key findings from an exploratory study of teenage girls’ views and experiences of violence, carried out in Scotland. Using data gathered from self-report questionnaires, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews, it conveys girls’ perceptions of violence and discusses the nature and extent of the many forms of violence in girls’ lives. In particular, the article flags up the pervasiveness of verbal conflicts within girls’ lives and outlines the characteristics of those girls who describe themselves as violent.

Sexual abuse and therapeutic services for children and young people in Northern Ireland

Report on research carried out by the NSPCC into the availability and accessibility of therapeutic services for children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse in Northern Ireland. Funded by the Private Equity Foundation, this research aimed to map the services provided for children who have been sexually abused currently provided by a range of voluntary, statutory and private sector organisations.

Digital literacy across the curriculum

Digital literacy is an important entitlement for all young people in an increasingly digital culture. It furnishes children and young people with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will help them to take a full and active part in social, cultural, economic, civic and intellectual life now and in the future. This handbook is aimed at educational practitioners and school leaders in both primary and secondary schools who are interested in creative and critical uses of technology in the classroom.

Children and young people's healthcare rights: a resource pack

Children and young people are entitled to be involved in making choices and decisions when it comes to using healthcare services. However, not all children and young people are aware of their rights and responsibilities in these settings. This resource pack has been designed to enable you to help children and young people address this. It provides a structured approach to discussing healthcare services and healthcare rights with children and young people.