
Working with troubled families: a guide to the evidence and good practice

The Troubled Families programme is about change - for families and for services, and this report is an aid for that change. It is a tool to help local authorities and their partners, who have asked for guidance on how best to work with troubled families, and for the evidence about family intervention to be brought together in one place.

The report looks at academic evidence, local evaluations of practice, what practitioners have told us works in their services and what families tell us makes this work different and successful for them.

Good and innovative practice in service delivery to vulnerable and disadvantaged families and children

Paper that is an overview of an analysis of the Vulnerable and Disadvantaged Client Access Strategies (Access Strategies) in Australia, a requirement of service providers funded by the Family Support Program (FSP).

Organisations were asked to document and implement the steps they would take to improve service accessibility and responsiveness for vulnerable and disadvantaged families, including Indigenous families.