
The impacts of short break provision on disabled children and families: an international literature review

There are widespread assumptions about the potentially beneficial impact of short breaks on family carers and disabled children, including reduced carer stress and an increased capacity for family carers to continue caring, and increased child enjoyment of a wider range of social opportunities. This review aims to systematically evaluate the existing international research evidence concerning the impact of short breaks, to determine where there is robust evidence for the impact of short breaks on families with a disabled child and where more evidence is needed.

SCIE: Knowledge Reviews

Knowledge reviews pull together knowledge from research, practice and people who use services. They describe what knowledge is available, highlight the evidence that has emerged and draw practice points from the evidence. Topics include residential child care, adult mental health services, improving social and health care services, social work education and looked-after children.

SCIE: guides

A one-stop shop for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Topics include mental health; children, young people and families; disability; fostering; and older people.

The Strategic Isolation of the Brittish Drugs Field and new Recovery Philosophy

In March 2008, a new 10 year national drugs strategy document was published: Drugs: protecting families and communities. This new drug strategy presents an agenda which strongly reinforces the main points of the last strategy with its emphasis on crime reduction and community safety. Like its predecessor, it says less about individual health and social outcomes. In the same month the United Kingdom Drug Policy Commission, (UKDPC), an independent think tank, published a major report on the drugs strategy and its key focus criminal justice.

Understanding eating problems

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. Anorexia, bulimia, binging and compulsive eating can blight people’s lives. This booklet describes the signs of eating distress, explains possible causes and looks at the kinds of treatment available. It aims to help anyone who thinks they themselves, a friend, or a member of their family, may have a problem of this kind.

Parental problem drinking and its impact on children

This review of the available research will address the definition and extent of parental problem drinking; its impact across important dimensions of children’s lives; the impact on children as they become adults; and some messages for practice, including a suggested service specification. The research focus is mainly on UK studies published in the last two decades, supplemented by research from other countries, especially the USA, Australia and Europe.

Linking up : emotional support for young people with learning disabilities

This resource is a guide for Connexions workers and staff working with young people in transition. Connexions is the government's support service for all young people aged 13 to 19 in England. It brings together all the services and support young people need during their teenage years offering differentiated and integrated support to young people through Personal Advisers (PAs).

Parenting in multi-racial Britain

Parenting has increasingly become the focus for policy and academic debate. The racial and cultural heterogeneity of British society also invites considerable attention to many aspects of the lives of minority ethnic families. Yet, there is little empirical evidence into ethnicity, parenting and family life. This study, by Ravinder Barn at Royal Holloway, University of London, explores the views and experiences of 'ordinary' parents to increase our understanding in some key areas, including family support, education, child discipline and the process of acculturation.

What makes parenting programmes work in disadvantaged areas?

There is increasing enthusiasm, both in government and in the community, for improving child outcomes through parenting programmes. This drive encompasses the ‘Surestart’ and ‘Respect’ agendas, and emphasises the importance of children’s centres and school-based support. However, many programmes have failed to work when rigorously tested. This study examines factors which influence programme effectiveness in poor, ethnically diverse areas.