
How good is our school?

This revised edition of HM Inspectorate of Education's report How good is our school? replaces all previous versions.

Along with a revised edition of Child at the Centre, this document forms the third part of How good is our school? The Journey to Excellence.

The aim of this publication is to help schools to evaluate the quality of its education, based around a set of quality indicators.

Safer school partnerships

The document provides guidance on mainstreaming to enable local multi-agency partnerships to benefit from this way of working.

It provides them with a route map, allowing them to determine the appropriate level of response in given circumstances to meet the needs of local partners and neighbourhoods.

Interchange 78 : Transitions in the Lives of Children and Young People : Resilience Factors

This report describes effective strategies, in the fields of health, education and social work, for helping children cope with periods of transition and change through the promotion of resilience. The report draws on an extensive review of the international literature on the promotion of resilience.