
Parent power

Report surveying the state of the school education system in Scotland and advocating greater power for parents and autonomy for schools as a means of improving standards in school education.

Learning for Living: Helping to prevent social exclusion among older people

Help the Aged believes that unless far-sighted action is taken now to ensure that people have the opportunities and resources to accumulate further skills and participate in learning as they grow older, and throughout old age, there is a danger that the current inequalities within our society will multiply under the pressure of an ageing population.

Working progress : how to reconnect young people and organisations

Paper looking at the problem of the increasing mismatch between employers expectations of young people and young people's expectations of and preparedness for employment. Drawing on the views and experiences of young people and employers it makes recommendations about what should be done to help young people survive and succeed in the workplaces of the future.

GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services - Better Learning, Better Behaviour

This podcast is taken from the 'GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services' Conference held in Glasgow on the 24-26 September. Session 3 - Building Better Childhoods, Responding to Need. Dr George Head, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow talks about better understanding and education while children learn.

Report to the Secretary of State on the Review of Elective Home Education in England

This review has been triggered by a range of issues and representations, not least being the quite proper concern to ensure that systems for keeping children safe and ensuring that they receive a suitable education are as robust as possible.

The review was conducted by means of structured interview with a range of stakeholders including home educating parents and children, visits to local authorities and home education groups, a public call for evidence and a questionnaire to all top tier local authorities in England.