
National standards for Scotland's youth justice services

This report by the Improving the Effectiveness of the Youth Justice System Working Group describes the characteristics of effective local management of youth justice services and outlines a set of standards to improve delivery.

The group was asked to develop a strategic framework of national objectives and standards for Scotland’s Youth Justice services, to help achieve the national target of reducing the number of persistent offenders by 10% by 2006.

Statutory guidance on children who run away and go missing from home or care: supporting local authorities to meet the requirements of national indicator 71: missing from home and care

This guidance on children who run away or go missing is issued under section 7 of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970.

Sex Offenders Act 1997

Act that sets out the notification requirements for sexual offenders in the UK and for those who have committed sexual offences outside the UK. Sex offenders are required to register their address or any change of address with the police.

The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry 10 years on: an analysis of the literature

This review begins with a foreword stating that the publication in February 1999 of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report was a defining moment in police relations with black and minority ethnic groups. It then makes five key recommendations. An executive summary gives the background and outlines the broad structure of the report. Sections then put the inquiry into context, examine its recommendations theme by theme, and describe its recommendations on police culture, procedures and training.