secure accommodation

Scotland's children: the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 regulations and guidance - Volume 2: children looked after by local authorities

This is the second of four volumes of comprehensive guidance on the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. The Regulations, Directions and Guidance which are included in this and the other volumes are designed to provide guidance on the implementation of Parts II, III and IV of the Act. Volume 2 sets out the legal framework for local authority responsibilities for children who are looked after; home supervision; fostering service; residential care; registration and inspection of certain residential schools; secure accommodation; throughcare and aftercare.

Securing our future: a way forward for Scotland's secure care estate - a response from the Scottish Government and COSLA

The response is presented of Scottish ministers and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) to the recommendations put forward by the Securing Our Future Initiative into how to make best use of Scotland’s secure care resources to improve outcomes for young people and their communities.

They welcome the group’s report and strongly endorse the principles outlined in the vision. They accept in full the nine recommendations of Securing Our Future Initiative and believe that the recommendations should be implemented as an integrated package.

The annual report of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills 2008/09

Report presenting the findings from annual inspections of childcare, children's social care, local authority services for children, schools, colleges, initial teacher education, adult learning, provision for young people in secure accommodation and the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service in England.