learning activity

Communication & practice learning

This learning object is to introduces Practice Learning Qualification (PLQ) candidates to key concepts and theories relating to communication within the contexts of education, health and social services. It uses the specific context of practice learning within social work education to introduce and explore the themes of verbal, non-verbal and written communication, and communication across diverse situations. In particular it highlights the values and techniques involved in giving and receiving feedback during professional practice learning.

Charlene : Drug Misuse : A Case Narrative

This is a case narrative detailing the story of a young child Charlene and her mother Jane, who has a history of inappropriate (sometimes violent) relationships and drug misuse. There are a number of concerns about Charlene who is eventually removed from Jane’s care. This case scenario can be used to illustrate a number of issues, including drug misuse, partnership work, good practice in investigation, and assessment in training contexts.

Getting it right: assessments for black and minority ethnic carers and service users

This learning resource will provide the learner with the necessary skills and knowledge to critically examine — from point of assessment to actual service delivery — how the needs of minority ethnic carers and service users are currently being met. It therefore aims to ensure that the need to achieve equality of opportunity and access lies at the heart of individual and collective practice.

How sensitive to poverty and social exclusion are you in your daily practice?

Despite poverty and social exclusion being common characteristics of families involved in the child protection system and a key factor associated with children becoming looked after, there is evidence to suggest that professionals struggle to truly incorporate an understanding of the impact of poverty in their assessments and interventions. In practice social workers and other professionals continue to have difficulty in making sense of the complex interplay between poverty, social deprivation, parental capacity and children's development.

Gathering information

This e-learning resource uses a video scenario to help the user develop observation, listening and interviewing skills and to become more aware of its own subjectivity. Different ways of asking questions will be considered in more depth and there is an opportunity to try out some creative approaches to gathering information using diagrams or art-based tools.