learning activity

LEAP framework

Learning object which introduces the LEAP (Learning, Evaluation and Planning) planning and evaluation framework, facilitates understanding of the principles which underpin the framework and demonstrates its application in practice.

Ageism, Age Discrimination and Social Exclusion

In this learning object you are asked to consider issues which are central to understanding the experience of ageing and older age in contemporary society. Ageism, age discrimination and social exclusion diminish the quality of life which older people may enjoy. They also threaten their mental health. In spite of their negative effect on the daily lives of older people, however, ageism and age discrimination are often unrecognised, ignored, or even compounded in health and social care settings.

Task Centred Casework

This multimedia learning object provides an introduction to the "task-centered" model of social work intervention. This model was based on the work of Sigmund Freud and the psychoanalysts. Psychoanalytic social work emphasised relationship-focused intervention with the professional adopting the role of the 'expert'.


This website offers a range of activities in both grammar and vocabulary, and includes mini-tutorials, games, a student forum, several dictionaries and a thesaurus. The site also provides links to English as a second language (ESL) worksheets and lessons.