
Short break case studies (Shared Care Scotland)

Web resource that brings together a number of case studies to show the wide range of short breaks available. Key topics include: breaks with friends; specialist support for young people with physical disabilities; activity based breaks; breaks for young carers; breaks for older people; breaks for couples together; breaks for people living alone; breaks for people who have to pay for their own break; breaks with additional support; breaks with families; breaks for people with dementia; and breaks of a few hours each week.

Videotaped clues from Baby P's mother were missed

In a videotaped interview obtained by Panorama, experts say Peter Connelly's mother, Tracey Connelly, provided vital clues into the dangers that lurked in the family home. The footage of Peter's mother was filmed as part of a training course undertaken by a senior team manager in Haringey children's services in March 2007, four months before Peter died as a result of a horrific string of injuries. He was 17 months at the time of his death.

Thematic inspection of services for people with a learning disability in Angus, Dumfries and Galloway, East and West Lothian: accessible summary

The Scottish Government asked inspection agencies to look at how well some areas were supporting people with a learning disability. A team of people visited four areas to check up on how good services were for people with a learning disability. The team included people with a learning disability and family carers.

Moveable Feast

Website of Moveable Feast which is an internationally renowned inclusive drama and training organisation. It harnesses the experiences and strengths of family members and people with learning disabilities to train, consult and present on cutting edge issues.

Moveable Feast has been providing high-profile, person-centred and community based day services for 10 years. It has been commissioned to create and present drama that gets messages across in an informative and enjoyable way, and believes that this is a good way of showing people of all abilities how they can work together.

Monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2010

This report focuses on the 18-month recession of 2008 and 2009. Whilst highlighting recent success in preventing poverty worsening, it draws attention to several longstanding problems, including unemployment. It is too soon for the data in this report to reflect any impact of new policies from the Coalition Government, but it describes the subjects any new anti-poverty programme will need to address to match the scale and scope of the challenge.

Globalisation, the media and UK communities

UK communities find themselves in an increasingly complex world of news mediation. There are more channels of information from around the world that provide more varied sources of topical data and comment than ever before. This paper seeks to chart the impact of changes in global media on low-income groups in the UK and community dynamics. It will explore how their mediated relationship to the local and global world is affected by current trends in media production and consumption.

The local impact of the global internet

This paper was commissioned as part of JRF's programme on Globalisation, which explores and promotes awareness of the impacts of globalisation on the UK and focuses on communities and people in poverty.
This paper:
* explains the implications of easier access to global communication;
* surveys the increasing use of the Internet in Britain and how this applies to local and global networks; and
* discusses how individuals and communities can build networks and the challenges this brings.

A review of benefit sanctions

This study examines international evidence on sanctions within welfare systems where benefits are conditional on claimant behaviour. It considers the impact of sanctions, the wider literature on how they have been used and the experiences of claimants. It also discusses how this evidence relates to political justifications given in support of sanctions.