
Skills for care

Skills for Care is the employer led authority on the training standards and development needs of adult social care staff in England. Skills for Care work with establishments offering adult social care and training providers - both regionally and nationally - to establish standards and qualifications that will equip social care workers with the skills and knowledge needed to deliver an improved standard of care.


Website of Deafway, a charity organisation that provides residential services, youth services, premises for deaf clubs and BSL (British Sign Language), and other services to deaf people.

Care about rights

The Scottish Human Rights Commission has developed training and awareness raising resources relating to the care and support of older people.

This project aims to empower people to understand their human rights, and increase the ability and accountability of those who have the duties to respect, protect and fulfil rights.

Choose Life resource database

The resource database is the Choose Life website's fully searchable portal of knowledge, giving visitors access to training manuals, websites, guidance documents leaflets, manuals and more in the field of suicide and mental health.
The database was developed in direct response to calls by those working in the field to pull together information on the range of materials/resources available.

Choose Life. The national strategy and action plan to prevent suicide in Scotland

In 2002, the Scottish Executive launched Choose Life, a ten year national strategy and action plan to prevent suicide in Scotland. The strategy includes a target to reduce suicide by 20% by 2013 and progress towards this target can be viewed in the statistics section of the website.

Choose Life sets out a framework to ensure that action is taken nationally and locally to build skills, develop training, improve knowledge and awareness of 'what works' to prevent suicide, and to encourage partnership working and improved co-ordination between services.

Social Work Reform Board

The final report of the Social Work Task Force, Building a safe, confident future, stated the need for employers, educators, regulators, service users, government and the social work profession itself to work together to bring about social work reform, and all to sign up to a shared and sustained programme of work.

Following the Task Force report, ministers announced the formation of the Social Work Reform Board (SWRB). The Board reflects this need for collective responsibility and commitment, working alongside government to implement the Task Force’s recommended reforms.