Social work changes lives
Video interview recorded with professionals and service users at the launch of the ADSW campaign, 1 April 2009.
Video interview recorded with professionals and service users at the launch of the ADSW campaign, 1 April 2009.
This video is taken from the 'Forgotten Citizens' Conference held in Glasgow on the 17th June 2008. It shows the interviews of John Paul Moffat saying "I think it's a good chance for people to tell their stories. Say they kept them in the past, just get them out and about. Like what you want, getting them noticed." And James Withers from the MSYP says "Basically I like people like me who stand up and speak out for themselves, rather than sit back and not say anything.
A series of 12 videos commissioned by SCLD (Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability), EDG (Edinburgh Development Group) , Heartfelt, ARC (Association for Real Change) Scotland on the subject of Citizen Leadership. Each video features a service user or carer talking about their experiences.
Video showing how safeguarding can be achieved through increased awareness and good communication both in residential and community care.
This film is based on the work of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, uncompromising women’s rights leaders, who revolutionized the political and social condition of women in American society.
Video emphasising the importance of good nutritional care and hydration for older people.
Video demonstrating the impact on children and their family when a parent is arrested and the ways in which social care services can help them.
Video telling the personal story of a person who suffered abuse in the family home for many years. Since speaking out he has been helped to live a full and independent life.
Video outlining the problems faced by asylum seekers and refugees in the UK and their struggles to establish themselves in society. A former asylum seeker tells how he is using his own experience to help others.
Video explaining the rules and regulations relating to private fostering in England and Wales and giving guidance for officials such as school and health service workers on how to identify a private fostering arrangement.