Widening participation in social work education, Hamilton, 30 September 2009
Video interviews with delegates at an Open University seminar held at Paisley University, Hamilton Campus, 30 September 2009.
Video interviews with delegates at an Open University seminar held at Paisley University, Hamilton Campus, 30 September 2009.
YouTube channel of the EHRC on which can be found numerous videos on a range of topics connected to the themes of equality, fairness and human rights.
This video is taken from the 'Forgotten Citizens' Conference held in Glasgow on the 17th June 2008, and represents a group of interviews based on what people thought of the conference.
This video interview with Jo Cochrane is taken from the 'Forgotten Citizens' Conference held in Glasgow on the 17th June 2008. Jo expresses the importance of this conference and the importance of not forget what happen in the past, in order to move forward.
Video interviews with speakers and delegates at a seminar and workshop organised by the Perth and Kinross Partnership / University of Stirling Partnership to examine policy and practice in personalisation and community capacity, 4 December 2009.
A series of masterclasses held in Glasgow 2009-2010. Features video interviews with the speakers: Charlie Leadbeater, Tony Wells, Euan Semple.
This video interview with Mabel Cooper, is taken from the 'Forgotten Citizens' Conference held in Glasgow on the 17th June 2008. Mabel expresses her feeling about the importance of this conference.
Video featuring the story of a service user turned care worker who draws on his own experiences in his work with a Gypsy Traveller support group.
Video in which one young person in care tells of the challenges he faced in care, the positive experiences that changed his life and his desire to improve the system for others.
'Courtroom skills' is suitable for a module or learning opportunity on working in courts. The object aims to: identify messages for effective courtroom practice; develop your understanding of the different roles in courtroom settings; help you manage your authority and role more effectively; develop your skills in negotiating out of court and in giving evidence; develop your knowledge, skills and confidence about cross examination.