research report

The social dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy: a report of the Social Protection Committee

Report that analyses actions focusing on sustainable and adequate reforms of social protection systems, active inclusion strategies, well-designed universal and targeted benefits for families and groups at risk, future pension adequacy and long-term financial sustainability of pensions systems, as well as increased effectiveness of health care and long-term care.

In the current economic context, the report encourages Member States and the European Commission to strengthen their capacity to assess social impacts of major policy and spending decisions.

Communication support needs: a review of the literature

Review that aims to identify literature which illuminates the experiences of people with communication support needs; to identify the barriers that people with communication support needs experience in society and ways in which it is possible to overcome these barriers; to identify gaps in the available literature; and to make specific recommendations for a programme of research addressing issues arising out of the literature.

Final report of the social pedagogy pilot programme: development and implementation

Research commissioned by government to develop and implement a pilot programme in order to determine the impact of, and best method for, introducing a social pedagogic approach in residential children’s homes in line with the Care Matters White Paper’s commitment (DCSF 2007).

The report documents the development and implementation part of the pilot programme.

Resettlement provision for children and young people: accommodation and education, training and employment

Thematic review, commissioned by the Youth Justice Board, which examines accommodation and education, training and employment (ETE) resettlement provision for sentenced young men aged 15 to 18 in young offender institutions.

It reports on the work carried out in custody to prepare young people for release, using survey data as well as indepth interviews with 61 sentenced young men, their case supervisors and follow-up information on what happened to them on release.

Care and permanence planning for looked after children in Scotland

Research that explores the pathways and decision-making processes through the care and court systems in Scotland for 100 looked after children from the point they were first identified as at risk, to the point of adoption or permanence.

Information was obtained from records held by Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) teams and Sheriff Courts across Scotland. All cases had been dealt with under the Adoption (Scotland) Act 1978.