research report

Too old to care?: the experiences of older grandparents raining their grandchildren

Report that focuses on the experiences of older grandparents (those aged over 65) who are raising their grandchildren.

Th study aims to provide insight into the circumstances of older kinship carers, and the challenges they experience, in order to bring forward recommendations for improving the support provided to them and the children they are raising.

Evaluation of the Challenge and Support Programme

Report that sets out findings from a process and impact evaluation of the Challenge and Support (C&S) programme, designed to provide support to young people identified as having committed anti-social behaviour (ASB).

The evaluation included interviews with local coordinators, analysis of management information, a questionnaire survey and case studies.

Results indicated that in many areas, introduction and implementation of the C&S programme has promoted inter-agency working, individualised needs assessment, and effective population segmentation.

A different world is possible: a call for long-term and targeted action to prevent violence against women and girls

Report that aims to address attitudes and positions that are often normalised and even ‘held dear’ within all of our communities and within our societies generally.

It sets out why we need a targeted and long-term approach to preventing VAWG drawing on the most cutting-edge evidence-base on the causal factors underlying violence and abuse.

Religious discrimination in Britain: a review of research evidence, 2000-10

Commissioned report by Equality and Human Rights Commission that aims to identify and review:

  • Quantitative and qualitative evidence of religious discrimination
  • Any evidence about whether religious discrimination is increasing or decreasing
  • Any differences in evidence between England, Wales and Scotland
  • 'Islamophobia' as a frame of reference for discrimination against Muslims
  • Gaps in the existing research and statistical evidence.

Quest for quality: an inquiry into the quality of healthcare support for older people in care homes - a call for leadership, partnership and improvement

Report that describes current NHS support for care homes. It tells a story of unmet need, unacceptable variation and often poor quality of care provided by the NHS to the estimated 400,000 older people resident in UK care homes.