research report

Report 47 : user involvement in adult safeguarding [SCIE report 47]

This report is about involving people who use services in adult safeguarding.It looks at policies and practice, as well as examples of how user involvement is being supported, barriers to greater user involvement, and lessons learned from evaluating adult safeguarding processes. Report published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).

SCIE report 46 : self-neglect and adult safeguarding : findings from research

This report was commissioned by the Department of Health (DH) and examines the concept of self-neglect. The relationship between self-neglect and safeguarding in the UK is a difficult one, partly because the current definition of abuse specifies harmful actions by someone other than the individual at risk. Safeguarding Adults Boards’ policies and procedures commonly contain no reference to self-neglect; occasionally they explicitly exclude it or set criteria for its inclusion. Report published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in September 2011.

Evaluation of Big Noise, Sistema Scotland

Evaluation of Sistema Scotland's Big Noise Children‟s Orchestra in the Raploch Estate based in Stirling in 2008. It is an early intervention programme that uses music and participation in an orchestra to foster confidence, teamwork, pride and aspiration in the children.

The Scottish Government commissioned GEN to conduct an evaluation of the process and outcomes achieved by Big Noise. In particular, the study team sought to identify what specific features of Big Noise contribute to the outcomes for children and their families.

The Scottish strategy for autism

This first chapter is a free-standing condensed version of the strategy which provides readers with an overview of what autism is and the challenges which individuals with the condition and their families face in everyday life. It then describes how the autism strategy will address their needs over the next 10 years.

Chapter two provides more detailed information on the issues contained in the overview for those who want to take more time to understand the issues in greater depth. It explains the context behind each of the recommendations and why these are critical to success.

Out from the shadows: sexual violence against children with disabilities

Report that sheds light on children with disabilities who are suffering from sexual violence - abuse that goes unacknowledged, both by communities and by the state; is shrouded in taboos; and is rarely discussed or investigated. The report seeks to address this and make the issue more visible, as well as challenge governments and communities, including the international community, to tackle it head on.

SCIE report 45: the governance of adult safeguarding: findings from research into safeguarding adults boards

The report was commissioned by the Department of Health. Safeguarding adults is a multiagency responsibility and the guidance relating to it (No secrets, DH, 2000) has been subject to public and political scrutiny. Under the guidance, local authorities were encouraged to consider structures for interagency collaboration and it is these that have become known as Safeguarding Adults Boards. The report looks at how the boards have been structured, their membership and their strategic goals, vision and purpose.