research report

Interventions for drug users in the criminal justice system: Scottish review

The purpose of this review was to examine the available research evidence on criminal justice interventions in Scotland in terms of "effectiveness", (measured by rates of reconviction/reoffending, and reductions in drug use) and costs. The review also recognises the current policy emphasis on "recovery", which requires a wider acknowledgement of the possible mechanisms for measuring "success" and a wider vision for the process of recovery itself. It was undertaken between August and November 2010.

The position of Scotland's equality groups: revisiting resilience in 2011

Study that seeks to offer discussion and analysis to inform an understanding of how well positioned people in Scotland with equalities characteristics are to access the benefits of economic recovery.

This study accompanies the publication of the Scottish Government’s Scottish Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012/2013 and Equality Statement: Scottish Spending Review and Draft Budget 2012-13, and helps demonstrate the Scottish Government’s commitment to better understanding the equalities impacts of its decisions.

NICE's social value judgements about equity in health and health care

Paper that aims to describe the social value judgements about equity in health and health care that NICE has hitherto used to guide its decision making.

To do this, it reviews both the general social value judgements reported in NICE guidance on methodology and the case-specific social value judgements reported in NICE guidance about particular health care technologies and public health interventions.

The impact of long-term care on caregivers' participation in the labour market

Paper that analyses the impact of long-term care on informal caregivers’ status in the labour market. It focuses on people’s perceptions that their labour activity is hindered partially or totally by their care-giving commitments. It uses the Eurostat ECHP dataset 1994-2001, which includes some questions specifically aimed to investigate whether people suffer care-giving constraints; this information allows for overcoming the endogeneity problem due to the double relationship between labour market participation and care-giving

RSA transitions: a social enterprise approach to prison and rehabilitation

Paper commissioned by the RSA to inform the development of a major new practical project it is considering.

It aims to set out a vision for RSA Transitions, a new model of community prison and “through the gate” provision which would be designed, built and managed around a culture of learning and social enterprise with the aim of rehabilitating people through increasing their capacity to work and resettle.

Missing out: a child centred analysis of material deprivation and subjective well-being

Research which included focus groups, piloting work and a nationally representative schools survey of 5,500 young people aged 8 to 15 that demonstrates that asking children about a list of material items and experiences that are derived from discussions with them is a good way of finding out about their material well-being.