research report

Investigating Crime using the British Crime Survey

This resource uses the study of crime in society to show how existing data sources can be utilised, and as such, this project is relevant to a range of social science disciplines, such as sociology, politics, psychology and media studies. The project is also relevant to citizenship studies. The resources can be used for A level syllabi but are also highly applicable for undergraduate and postgraduate learning.

Getting it right for every child: children and young people's experiences of advocacy support and participation in the Children's Hearings System

This research project was commissioned by the Scottish Executive to find out how advocacy for children in the Children’s Hearings System compares with arrangements in other UK systems of child welfare and youth justice and those internationally, and what children and young people and the professionals who work with them think about advocacy arrangements in the Children’s Hearings System and how these can be improved.

The edgeless university : why higher education must embrace technology

Report assessing the threats and opportunities technology holds for universities. It argues that technology is making universities just one source among many of knowledge and ideas but that, through their institutional capital, universities can also harness technology to offer more flexible provision and open up more avenues into higher education.

Health in Scotland 2008: shedding light on hidden epidemics

Report from the Chief Medical Officer reviewing some of the data on the habits which studies are showing have a dramatic effect on risks of developing chronic ill health or premature death.

It also considers some of the mental health problems which may contribute to chronic stress in sufferers by lessening their ability to control and manage their lives. Such problems include ADHD in adults, post traumatic stress syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorders.

Growing support : a review of services for vulnerable families with very young children

This report describes the findings and conclusions of an inter-disciplinary review of social work and health services in Scotland to support vulnerable families with young children aged 0-3 years. It also takes account of other important services such as early education and childcare, housing, health services for adults and Children’s Hearings.

Personalisation: a shared understanding, commissioning for personalisation - a personalised commissioning approach to support and care services

Set of three separate papers looking at the development and delivery of personalised services and approaches. The first paper considers what personalisation is and what areas need to be aligned to bring about real user engagement, flexibility and improved outcomes.

The second discusses the role of commissioning in transforming services to meet future needs and the third examines commissioning in greater detail and identifies the issues which arise at an operational level and which might need to be addressed.