research report

Identifying the priorities of tenants of social landlords

Report of a research project which aimed to identify tenants priorities for social housing provided by Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and local authorities and find out their understanding and opinion of 'value' in terms of the service delivered by their landlords compared to other landlords.

This research was carried out in connection with the Scottish Government's aim to give tenants greater influence with social housing providers.

Interviewing child witnesses under the Memorandum of Good Practice: a research review

The ‘Memorandum of Good Practice on Video Recorded Interviews with Child Witnesses for Criminal Proceedings’ was published in 1992 to provide guidance to police officers and social workers responsible for undertaking video-recorded interviews with child victims or witnesses. The document outlined core principles to be followed when conducting interviews; the video could then be played in court to spare the child the necessity of giving live examination-in-chief.

Intensive help for vulnerable people: applying case management models in the justice system

Research has suggested that people with multiple legal and social problems would benefit from 'case management', a structured process aimed at co-ordinating services and support on behalf of an individual. There is a lack of evidence of effectiveness of case management models in justice settings however case management has been used in other settings and lessons can be learned.

Minority ethnic participation and achievements in education, training and the labour market

This full-text research report about the participation and achievements of minority ethnic pupils in the UK education system and their future employment prospects was commissioned by the Department for Education and Employment.

Divided into ten chapters, this 157-page report highlights information about the following issues: participation and attainment in compulsory education; activities of 16-19 year olds following compulsory schooling; patterns of labour market participation; skills and work-related training; lifelong learning.

Report from the 'Getting it right for every child in kinship and foster care' reference group

This report is the outcome of the work of many people across Scotland. Shortly before the publication of the Getting it Right for Every Child in Kinship and Foster care report the Government in Scotland asked BAAF and tFN to set up a Reference Group composed of the main stakeholders in kinship and foster care.

The group worked through the areas identified by the Government in Scotland through five Task Groups each of whom were allocated a specific area of the Strategy to develop.

Kinship carers: possible benefit entitlement and potential issues when claiming benefits

This report aims to describe the benefit system as it applies to kinship care, as well as considering related issues that kinship carers may face when attempting to access their benefit entitlement and an indication of the types of assistance which could enable households to access the benefits system more easily.

Interchange 78 : Transitions in the Lives of Children and Young People : Resilience Factors

This report describes effective strategies, in the fields of health, education and social work, for helping children cope with periods of transition and change through the promotion of resilience. The report draws on an extensive review of the international literature on the promotion of resilience.

Growing up in Scotland: year 2: results from the second year of a study following the lives of Scotland's children

Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) is a major longitudinal study launched in 2005 with the aim of tracking a group of children and their families from the early years, through childhood and beyond. Funded by the Scottish Government its main aim is to provide information to support policy-making, but it is also intended to be a broader resource that can be drawn on by academics, voluntary sector organisations and other interested parties.