research report

Social indicators [January 2011]

This Research Paper summarises a wide range of social statistics. Subjects covered include crime and justice, defence, education, elections, health and population. This edition includes an article on "The CPI – uprating benefits and pensions". The Topical subject page includes information about fuel poverty and seasonal flu statistics.

Listen to what I want : the potential impact of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) on major life decisions by people with learning disabilities

This document is a Report for the Social Care Institute for Excellence. It was published by Norah Fry Research Centre at the University of Bristol in July 2008. ‘Listen to what I want’ (Jan-May 2008) was a short study of major decisions in the lives of 20 people with learning disabilities, from their point of view. The overall purpose was to learn more about the potential impact of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) with people with learning disabilities.

SCIE report 35: sustainable systems of social care

This research was commissioned by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and carried out by a team from the Institute for Sustainability, Health and Environment at the University of the West of England, Bristol, between November 2009 and June 2010.

It complements other work undertaken as part of SCIE’s Sustainable Social Care Programme, including the Learning Network run by the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU).

SCIE report 36: enabling risk, ensuring safety - self-directed support and personal budgets

This report looks at some of the research findings and emerging principles and practice concerning risk enablement in the self-directed support and personal budget process while also recognising the wider context of adult safeguarding in social care. The aim is to build an evidence base drawn from both research and practice to indicate what could work to promote risk enablement, independence and control while at the same time, ensuring safety.

Child’s play: The links between childhood encouragement to participate in and attend cultural activities and corresponding adult participation and attendance in arts and culture.

This analysis was undertaken in-house within the Scottish Government by using large scale data from the 2007/8 Scottish Household Survey Culture (and Sport) Module. It explores the role of childhood encouragement to participate in and attend cultural activities in promoting cultural participation and attendance in adult life.

Shaping public spending priorities for adult social care

This report investigates some of the key issues currently confronting those involved in planning and providing adult social care at a time of budgetary pressure. With local authorities preparing to introduce a series of cost saving measures, adult social care budgets are under greater pressure than ever before. Ipsos MORI spoke to senior stakeholders to understand the challenges that they face and to find out how their organisations are planning for the future.

Determining identity and nationality in local policing

The study involved an examination of practices for checking the nationality and migrant status of arrestees in a sample of custody suites in England and Wales in 2006/07.

The study also involved the piloting of enhanced checking processes in four custody suites. The aim was to examine the use of immigration powers when dealing with foreign national (FN) arrestees and whether this could be expanded and improved.

Gang membership and knife carrying: findings from the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime

This report presents key findings on gang membership and knife carrying amongst a cohort of young people based on data collected by the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime (ESYTC). The analysis was commissioned in light of a lack of quantitative data measuring the extent of gang membership and knife crime in Scotland.

Troublesome youth groups, gangs and knife carrying in Scotland

There is limited reliable evidence relating to the nature, form and prevalence of youth ‘gangs’ and knife carrying in Scotland. Recognising these information shortfalls, this research report seeks to provide an overview of what is known about the nature and extent of youth gang activity and knife carrying in a set of case study locations; provide an in-depth account of the structures and activities of youth gangs in these settings; provide an in-depth account of the knife carrying in these settings; and offer a series of recommendations for interventions in these behaviours.