research report

Report of the national review of services for disabled children

The national review of services for disabled children was undertaken jointly by Scottish Government, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and the For Scotland‟s Disabled Children (fSDC) Liaison Project to provide a strategic assessment of the children's disability landscape.

The report and its accompanying plan for action mark the first stage in a longer process; the next stage is the implementation by all relevant partners of actions flowing from the report.

Joining the dots: a better start for Scotland's children

This report is about children’s early years - why they matter and how they can be improved. It is also about the kind of Scotland people are living in and the kind of society they want it to be - what matters to people as human beings and what they can do to support each other, as individuals, as well as through our public services and professionals.

It is also about government, politics, public policy and public services, and how, with increasing pressures on the public purse people can try and do the right things and do them well.

Youth Work and Social Networking - Final Report

The final report of a 2008 study into the use of Social Networking sites amongst statutory sector youth workers in England. Including a detailed literature review of risks and opportunities of social networking; evidence from a national survey and focus groups; and learning from action research projects with different youth work projects. The report sets out a 'youth work response' to social networking, drawing on youth work professional values.

'The billion dollar question': embedding prevention in older people's services - 10 'high imapct' changes (Policy paper 8)

This paper seeks to identify ‘10 high impact changes’ with regards to prevention in older people’s services. Such an approach builds on the work of the NHS Institute, who have published a series of guides on high impact changes in a range of areas including service improvement and delivery (NHSI,2004) and nursing and midwifery (NHSI, 2009).

In many ways, it is also more of a discussion paper, which reviews the emerging evidence, but which is very conscious of the limited nature of the evidence.

Risky communication online

Report by EU Kids Online on how young people use the internet to communicate with others.

EU Kids Online is funded by the EC Safer Internet Programme (contract SIP-KEP-321803) from 2009-11 to enhance knowledge of children’s and parents’ experiences and practices regarding risky and safer use of the internet and new online technologies.

Intensive support and monitoring service (ISMS): ISMS and beyond - a snapshot of the service in the last two years and a longer term follow up

ISMS was launched in Glasgow, and six other Phase One sites, in April 2005, in order to provide a direct community-based alternative to secure care.

The purpose of this report is twofold. Firstly it comprises a short examination of the service, covering the period from 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2009 (following on from where the previous evaluation left off).

Leading together: an analysis of leadership activity and development needs in Scotland's social services

The Changing Lives Report (Scottish Executive, 2006) highlighted the need for leadership at all levels within the social services workforce. The Leadership and Management subgroup of the review made recommendations for a leadership and management development framework which ‘should make explicit common qualities and behaviours that are required of all leaders and managers in a public sector context, but also identify whether there are additional or specific needs for the social service context’ (Leadership and Management subgroup, 2005).

Strategic threat assessment child trafficking in the UK 2010

This document is an assessment of the current intelligence picture of child trafficking into, within and through the UK. It aims to build on the findings of CEOP’s 2007 Scoping Report and the 2009 Strategic Threat Assessment.

The 2009 STA focused on the period 1 March 2007 to 29 February 2008. This assessment brings our knowledge up to date by focusing on data collected during the period 1 March 2009 to 28 February 2010.