
Drug misusing offenders : ensuring the continuity-of-care between prison and community

Document offering guidance on managing the continuity-of-care journey and treatment pathway that drug misusing offenders in England follow on entering prison, while in prison and on release from prison. The guidance is intended for Criminal Justice Integrated Team managers and workers and Substance Misuse Team managers and workers.

Changing Times: Improving services for older people - Report on the work of the Health and Social Care Change Agent Team 2003/04

Annual Report for 2003/04 of the Health and Social Care Change Agent Team which highlights practice that the Team has found to work and gives examples of good practice. Topics include reimbursement, commissioning, discharge planning and partnership working.

Drug misuse and dependence : UK guidelines on clinical management

This resource is intended for all clinicians, especially those providing pharmacological interventions for drug misusers as a component of drug misuse treatment. The report discusses the effectiveness of drug treatment, the impact of drug misuse on families and communities, psychosocial components of treatment, health considerations including preventing drug-related death and blood-borne infections and considered specific treatment situations and populations such as mental health, criminal justice, pregnancy, young people and prisons.

Safe from bullying in youth activities

Bullying does not only happen in normal school hours, it can happen anywhere. Children who are badly bullied in school are more likely than others to be bullied outside of it too. This guidance is aimed at managers, staff and volunteers in youth activities, clubs and groups – including local authority and third sector providers, and voluntary management committees. It outlines the possible bullying that might occur in youth activities and describes steps to prevent it and respond to it effectively.

Blueprint for the Processing of Children’s Hearings Cases : Inter-agency Code of Practice and National Standards

The Time Intervals Working Group was set up in 1997 to report on the processing of cases through the children’s hearings system. Following wide consultation, the first Blueprint, containing a Code of Practice and associated standards and targets, was published in March 1999. The objective was to identify and minimise areas of inconsistency, duplication and unnecessary delay at key points within the system, so that children at risk have their needs addressed effectively at an early stage.

Provision of therapy for vulnerableor intimidated adult witnesses prior to a criminal trial : practice guidance

The Department of Health, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Home Office have worked together to produce this practice guidance. The guidance is issued as part of the Home Office led Action for Justice programme, which said that good practice guidance on the provision of therapy prior to trial for vulnerable or intimidated adult witnesses would be issued.

Protection of vulnerable dults scheme in England and Wales for adult placement schemes, domiciliary care agencies and care homes : a practical guide

Guide for social services departments to implementing the Protection of Vulnerable Adults scheme which is designed to act as a workforce ban on care workers who have harmed vulnerable adults in their care by adding another layer of protection to pre-employment processes such as Criminal Records Bureau checks.

Integrated working : a guide

Integrating organisations and services is a daunting task and there is plenty of evidence that outcomes can be poor if services are delivered in a fragmented way to people who need access to care. With that in mind, Government has placed a duty of partnership on the main statutory bodies and integration remains a major aspect of its ‘modernisation’ plans for public services.