
Healthy weight, healthy lives : commissioning weight management services for children and young people

Guide intended to help local areas in England commission weight management services for children and young people. It includes information on the policy context and contains a series of tools to support commissioners in the area of weight management for children and young people.

Elective home education: guidelines for local authorities

These government guidelines have been prepared to help local authorities carry out their statutory responsibilities and manage their relationships with home educating parents. Where parents have chosen to home educate, it is important that home educated child to have a positive experience. These guidelines aim to clarify the balance between the right of the parent to educate their child at home and the responsibilities of the local authority. ‘Parents’ should be taken to include all those with parental responsibility, including guardians and carers.

Children's Trusts : statutory guidance on co-operation arrangements including the Children's Trust Board and the Children and Young People's Plan : consultation draft

Document setting out draft new UK Government statutory guidance on Children's Trusts in England and draft new Children and Young People's Plan regulations and inviting views on these.

Effective Interventions Unit : evaluation guide 1 : definition and common concepts

This is the first in a series of Evaluation Guides designed to support improvements in practice. Individuals and organisations are increasingly called upon to evaluate the services they provide for drug users. This is a sensible approach because good evaluation has the potential to improve drug services. It can help to identify what works, what needs to be improved and what is ineffective. However, evaluation needs to be useful, practical and realistic.