personalised care

Personal budgets briefing: learning from the experiences of older people and their carers (At a glance 40)

A summary of older people’s and carers’ experiences of using self-directed support and personal budgets. It is based on a six month study, which also included people with mental health problems.

The research was commissioned from a joint team from Acton Shapiro, the National Centre for Independent Living (NCIL) and the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU).

Providing personalised support to rough sleepers: an evaluation of the City of London pilot

This report evaluates a pilot project offering personalised budgets to rough sleepers in the City of London. The report presents the outcomes of the pilot for individuals involved, in terms of accommodation, support needs and quality of life; explores how the personalised approach, the personalised
budget and other factors contributed to these outcomes; explores common stages in the journeys that people made from the streets and into accommodation; and considers the sustainability of outcomes and possibilities for replication and expansion.

Putting personalisation into practice

Resource that will help users to: consider the possible benefits and drawbacks of personalisation, review practitioner’s perceptions of personalisation, reflect on service user experience, develop skills in supporting an individual through the process, identify future learning/training requirements and reflect on learning in relation to personalisation.