
The Assessment Triangle

The Assessment Triangle is a key concept within child welfare and is a term that has been used since the late 1990s. In Scotland, it has been adopted within the development of an Integrated Assessment Framework, to which we also refer in this learning resource. There are a number of aspects of child assessment, in any domain – the home, the playground, the classroom, the GP surgery, or residential care, and others – where you will be thinking about assessment models and practice.

LEAP framework

Learning object which introduces the LEAP (Learning, Evaluation and Planning) planning and evaluation framework, facilitates understanding of the principles which underpin the framework and demonstrates its application in practice.

Case study: children, families and child protection

This case has been designed as a focus for learning about the legal, ethical and practice issues emerging from a child protection case scenario. As the case moves from allegations of abuse to planning for permanent care, learners can be asked to interpret and assess an unfolding scenario of complex need and to consider a variety of responses designed both to promote the welfare of the three children and ensure parents’ rights are actively considered.

Case study: community care and older people

This case has been designed to familiarise students with the framework, key principles and statutes surrounding social work intervention with vulnerable adults. It consists of a three stage scenario describing the difficulties in the lives of an older couple, and their family, as they become increasingly dependent on community, residential and hospital-based services to protect them from danger and to promote their welfare.

Task Centred Casework

This multimedia learning object provides an introduction to the "task-centered" model of social work intervention. This model was based on the work of Sigmund Freud and the psychoanalysts. Psychoanalytic social work emphasised relationship-focused intervention with the professional adopting the role of the 'expert'.

Introduction to the Integrated Assessment Framework. An interview with Professor Norma Baldwin.

This learning object provides an introduction to the assessment framework in which Norma Baldwin discusses the origins, nature and key features of the Integrated Assessment Framework. Norma currently teaches child care and protection at Dundee University's Faculty of Education and Social Work. Her extensive research into community development approaches to child protection has influenced policy development throughout the UK. Norma has also conducted developmental and evaluative work on services in a number of local authorities.

Tackling volatile substance abuse in Scotland

In this training programme for the social care workforce you’ll find detailed information about solvent and volatile substance abuse, together with a range of materials that you will be able to download and refer to again and again. This site also contains audio interviews, videos, factsheets and in-depth training materials that you’ll be able to take away and use in the training of others. The course is designed for use by staff within Scottish social work departments.