health and social care

NICE Pathways

An interactive tool for health and social care professionals that provides quick and easy access, topic by topic, to the range of guidance from NICE, including quality standards, technology appraisals, clinical and public health guidance and NICE implementation tools.

Consultation on the integration of adult health and social care: joint statement from the key representative housing organisations in Scotland

Joint statement to the government's consultation document, Integration of Adult Health and Social Care, made by the Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO); the Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland; the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA); Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF); the Housing Support Enabling Unit (HSEU); and Care and Repair Scotland.

Research, Policy and Planning: the journal of the Social Services Research Group

Since its first issue in 1986 the Social Services Research Group’s journal Research Policy and Planning has been one of the key research journals in the personal social services.

The journal is devoted to publishing work by researchers and practitioners in local and central government, other statutory authorities and voluntary agencies.

Ageing across Europe

Many European countries, including the UK, are now facing the dual challenge of responding to the demographic changes brought by population ageing, while also implementing tough austerity measures following the 2008 financial and economic crisis.

With increasing pressure on public budgets, this is an important moment to consider what it is that makes a country a good place to grow old, and where possible to learn lessons from our European neighbours on the policies and services that are most effective in giving older people a good quality of life.

SCIE research briefing 41: factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services

This briefing updates a previous systematic review by Cameron and Lart that reported on the factors that promote and hinder joint working between health and social care services. Given their prominence in terms of policy debates about joint and integrated working, the briefing focuses on jointly-organised services for older people and people with mental health problems in the UK only. Briefing published by Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in May 2012. Review date is May 2015.

At a glance 57: integration: Implications for people who use services, practitioners, organisations and researchers

This At a glance briefing discusses the implications of integration for people who use services, practitioners, organisations and researchers. It summarises implications identified in SCIE research briefing 41 Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services (Cameron et al, 2012). The research briefing updates a previous systematic review on this topic (Cameron and Lart 2003), and focuses on jointly-organised services for older people and people with mental health problems.