Independent Jersey Care Inquiry
A "robust and fearless" investigation into the abuse of children in the island's care system over many decades.
A "robust and fearless" investigation into the abuse of children in the island's care system over many decades.
Following publication of the serious case review into the death of Daniel Pelka, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families wrote to the Chair of Coventry Safeguarding Children Board on 16th September 2013 requesting a deeper analysis of the reasons why practice failures had occurred.
This deeper analysis was asked to look specifically (but not exclusively) into:
Digital storytelling programme of National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections in United States, to promote continuous improvement in the delivery of child welfare services. The stories include young adult, worker, parent and family perspectives.
Study that provides a new contribution to our learning about neglect by exploring the circumstances in which neglect can be catastrophic and have a fatal or seriously harmful outcome for a child. It provides a systematic analysis of neglect in serious case reviews (local multi-agency reviews of child deaths or serious injury where abuse or neglect is known or suspected) in England, between 2003-2011.
Document which sets out a national framework for child protection learning and development in Scotland.
Guidance that is supplementary to, and should be read in conjunction with the Scottish Government 'National guidance for child protection in Scotland 2010'. The guidance outlines key definitions and concepts, specifically a definition of what constitutes child abuse and neglect and harm/significant harm.
Guide that outlines some suggestions to help parents limit the risk of their child having negative experiences online and understand what action can be taken if they do.
This guide also suggests some resources that will help children get the most out of the Internet at home and in the community. It presents some case studies of actual experiences people with learning disabilities and autism have had online and learning points that can be taken from these experiences.
Downloadable versions of the first 10 Kilbrandon lectures.
A selection of published research reports.
A piece of rapid response work between April and July 2012 to independently evaluate the impact that the flexibilities granted to the trial authorities have had on practice and service responses to safeguard children from harm.