Improving outcomes for children and young people experiencing domestic abuse (CYPEDA)

What is it? This is a monitoring and evaluation framework that was devised to support Women's Aid groups and Children's Services planners to monitor, evaluate, and report on the services funded by the Children's Services Women's Aid Fund on a six month basis.

Who is it for? Women's Aid group/children's service.

Format of recording: Questionnaire

Subscription: Free

Outcomes Star™

What is it? The Outcomes Star™ is a unique suite of tools for supporting and measuring change when working with people.

Who is it for? It is a sector-wide tool that can be used for different client groups. There are 15 versions of the Outcomes Star™ carefully adapted for different client groups and services, including older people, mental health, families, work and others.

GIRFEC: Wellbeing Web

What is it? The Wellbeing Web has been developed by practitioners in Angus and is intended to be an interactive and engaging process to measure outcomes. This tool is based on an affirmative coaching model focusing on people's potential rather than their problems. It is used to support and assist growth and change. For more information about the development of the Wellbeing Web, see the case study Measuring outcomes in Angus on the IRISS website.

SCIE Report 62: managing the transfer of responsibilities under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: a resource for local authorities and healthcare commissioners

This report is intended to help people plan for the changes to the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, which comes into force from 1 April 2013. It describes the changes to the identity of the supervisory body in health settings and offers guidance on how local authorities, hospitals, primary care trusts (PCTs) and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) can work together to ensure that the rights of vulnerable patients are protected.