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Making recovery a reality

Paper describing some of the key ideas around recovery from mental health problems and looking at their implications for the delivery of mental health services. It aims to stimulate debate about how the recovery approach can be put into practice and what services need to do to make it happen.

Cost-effectiveness and mental health

This report asks why cost-effective analysis is useful in the field, considers it in relation to other evaluations, and discusses depression treatment, intervention for child and adolescent mental health problems, hospital closure and helping decision makers connect with the evidence, ending with recommendations on stakeholder relevance, expanding the evidence base, expanding and adapting existing evidence, methodological challenges and improving linkages and exchange between research and policy-making.

Mental health care and the criminal justice system

This briefing paper examines the provision of mental health care in the criminal justice system. It looks at what has been achieved to date and identifies priorities for further work. It starts with an overview of the prison population, looking at ethnicity, gender, young people and Imprisonment for Public Protection.

The section on mental health care in prison covers: identifying mental health problems; transfer to NHS care; primary mental health care; dual diagnosis; personality disorders. Alternatives to imprisonment including diversion and community sentences are discussed.

Early Intervention: Securing good outcomes for all children and young people

Today, it is widely agreed by experts across the world that early intervention can be of enormous benefit to children. That is why, as this paper sets out, the government is investing in a number of evidence-based prevention and early intervention programmes and supporting their roll out across the country.

This document draws together a wealth of research and good practice with the aim of supporting Children’s Trust Boards and their constituent partners to bring greater consistency, rigour and impact to the way early intervention is organised and delivered locally.

Data use in voluntary and community organisations

This study assesses the need and demand within voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) for relevant, analysed and well-presented data to support their work tackling poverty. The poverty agenda has shifted away from ‘top-down’ action by central government towards the engagement of local voluntary and community organisations. As small, independent groups with their own ideas about tackling poverty, VCOs represent a powerful, ‘bottom-up’ approach.

Data use in voluntary and community organisations

This study assesses the need and demand within voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) for relevant, analysed and well-presented data to support their work tackling poverty. The poverty agenda has shifted away from ‘top-down’ action by central government towards the engagement of local voluntary and community organisations. As small, independent groups with their own ideas about tackling poverty, VCOs represent a powerful, ‘bottom-up’ approach.

Aiming High for Young People

In 2007 the Government launched a 10-year plan for young people. Its full title was ‘Aiming High for Young People: A Ten Year Strategy for Positive Activities’. This document outlines the commitments made within the plan and how the Government plans to implement these. It includes contact information so that young people can get involved and give their opinions.

Race equality training in mental health services in England : does one size fit all?

Report presenting an historical analysis of the development of race related training and the findings of a survey of race equality training in mental health services in England. It concludes there is a need for a more strategic approach to this training which includes national standards which govern both the nature of training and the selection of training providers.

Older people 'getting things done': Involvement in policy and planning initiatives

The involvement of older people in planning and evaluating services is high on the agenda for many organisations. Using different case studies, this report: maps out the ways in which older people got involved, offering ideas for other organisations and for older people themselves; explores the key issues that need consideration; draws out good practice from the schemes studied; highlights how older people took part because they wanted to make a difference, not just as a way to pass the time.