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Strengthening food work across ethnic minority communities: a focus on maternal and infant nutrition

A small-scale study designed to provide a snapshot of voluntary and community organisations' activity in relation to maternal and infant nutrition across ethnic minority (EM) communities in Scotland.

The study was designed to provide some basic information about levels of activity, services offered and resources used to support this work. It looked for the major constraints and barriers that organisations face in working in this area and also their future learning and development needs.

Carers and personalisation: what roles do carers play in personalised adult social care?

The Social Policy Research Unit examined how current English adult social care practice balances the interests of service users and family carers, in assessment, planning, on-going management and reviews of personal budgets, particularly when budget-holders have cognitive or communication impairments.

The study examined senior local authority perspectives, everyday practice by frontline staff and experiences of service users and carers.

Housing with care for older people

Report that showcases a number of housing with care models that have improved the health and well-being of older people, all of which are in the social sector. It builds on the experiential knowledge of housing staff involved in the running, or the strategic planning of housing with care, to offer insights into some of the issues, challenges, and risks surrounding the development and ongoing management of housing with care that others may learn from.

Clarity, communication and reciprocity: key ingredients for productive relationships with voluntary and community sector organisations in the new health and social care commissioning environment

Paper that draws on the findings of an evaluation of a pilot project commissioned by Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG to support the development of productive relationships between the voluntary sector, the CCG and General Practitioners (GPs).

The project was initiated at an early stage in the development of the CCG, four months prior to the new arrangements 'going live' in April 2013.